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Archive News 2018


Made some minor updates to the archive.

Pirate Pedro is now connected and available for download.

Added a Letts title, "Key Facts: Biology", a revision title for O-Level and GCSE Biology, and a MacDonald title, "Bird Watch", a series of programs loosely to do with birds.


Added titles by publishers LCL and Mentor Educational Services.


Added several Golem Software titles, Suburban Fox by Ginn, a title by GTM Software called High Flyer, CESIL by Hexsoft, Find by HUMMEC, Lenses from Hutchinson, demonstrations of metallic crystal lattices from the Institute of Metals and the Kosmos suite of MFL software.

The April 1983 edition of Computing Today was added. This includes a version of Frogger for the BBC Micro, updates to the Valley adventure and a lower case addition for the UK101.


Scanned and uploaded the April 1982 Computing Today magazine, the one containing the code for The Valley.


Completed adding Chalksoft and Golem Software titles today. Also updated some original prices for their software.

Discovered an ESM release of Podd as a single title. Added this to the archive.


Chalksoft's Puncman series added to the archive. Puncman 1 & 2 are included as tape versions. The SSD files are simply copies of the tape files on disc.

Puncman 5, 6 & 7 was also released by Chalksoft. This is missing from the archive.


A big expansion to the website was introduced today.

As well as updating the educational archive, sections for RISCOS software, UK101 information and software and the Computing Today magazine were added.

These sections will be developed as time and inclination permit.


Virtually all packages with documentation have been added to the archive.

I am now ploughing through the vast number of image only archives I have, testing which are working and checking that they have been correctly attributed to the right publisher.


Today was a huge milestone with the addition of Cranky from ASK/Acornsoft. 1000 programs catalogued, tested and uploaded!


Added a number of Cambridge Micro Software titles and updated their catalogue.

Thanks to Kenelm from STH forums for providing the images.


Several titles for Heineman Educational Books Ltd. were added today. Thanks are extended to Stardot Forum members Lardoboffin for the Primary Mathematics Programs documentation and billcarr2005 for cracking the protection on those discs and providing the disc images.


Note Invaders from Chalksoft is the 700th program tested and uploaded to the archive.


Completed uploading all the working software for Longman. There are quite a number of titles in the archive for this publisher now.

There are still a couple to check out and prepare for uploading.

Thanks to the stardot members who sent me a lot of the missing titles.


A big update today. A set of programs by Xavier Educational Software was added. These are specialist programs aimed at children with dyslexia.

Thanks are due to Xavier Educational Software for permission to host these titles and to the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge for the loan of the software discs.


Visited the ABUG meeting at the Centre for Computing History over the weekend and had the opportuity to archive loads of packages and to receive from ABUG members a mass of titles missing from the archive.

The titles will be uploaded over the coming week or so.

A big vote of thanks to ABUG for organising the meeting and to the museum staff for hosting us.

Added Termulator for the BBC model B and B+ complete with all documentation and a number of Longman titles complete with extensive documentation.


Several more packages have been added to the Archive.

The News page now shows the latest package added and gives various statistics about the Archive.

A new browse all publishers facility has been added to the Archive page.


With the latest update there are now over 500 programs listed in the archive and available for download.


Another large update including a number of Fun School programs from Database Publications and ASK the Best Four Maths,


Another big update today.

Titles include the DLM Arcademic Maths series, Cheshire Cat Maths, Ebury Mr T and more


Made some more additions today;

  • The Anita Straker collection,
  • Some MAPE titles,
  • Began a section for Shell Publications.

Some AVP titles were added;

  • First Steps - a primary maths package
  • Hydrostatics and Statistics - a Geography package dealing with river basins
  • Puzzle Palace - A mathematical adventure game.

Several minor upgrades to web pages.

Updated publisher catalogues.


Added titles by Arnold and DESC (Derbyshire Educational Software Centre).

Made updates to the catalogue, some dates of issue and some prices.


Extended the Sherston Software collection to include all titles held by the archive.

Updated the archive browser to include a browse by publisher facility.


Several more packages added today;

  • Best Four Language by ASK.
  • Context by BBCsoft.
  • Introducing Map Skills 1 by Cambridge Micro Software.
  • Introducing Map Skills 2 by Cambridge Micro Software.
  • Music Master by AB European Marketing
  • Tree of Knowledge by Acornsoft

The web site goes live!

The initial prototype containing about 20 educational packages was uploaded today.

 LSU (La Sainte Union College of Higher Education)
  4275 programs
  1789 packages
  387 publishers
 Administration 53
 Adventure 99
 Art 55
 Biology 168
 Business 71
 Chemistry 211
 Classics 3
 Computer Science 279
 Design and Technology 59
 Economics 19
 Electronics 14
 English 73
 French 65
 Gardening 2
 General Purpose 178
 Geography 134
 German 27
 History 48
 Literacy 531
 Mathematics 1319
 Modern Foreign Languages 10
 Music 45
 Navigation 1
 Office Skills 5
 Personal and Social Education 31
 Physical Education 6
 Physics 159
 Problem solving 134
 Religious Education 1
 Science 56
 Sociology 1
 Special Needs 291
 Training 4

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